"Specifically designated talent that provides organic social media content”

  • Branded User- Generated Content
  • Micro & Verified Influencers
  • Authentic Partnerships Between Brand & Influencer
  • Managed Campaigns & Casting
  • Personal Appearances & Events

STARS Management creates an authentic partnership between your company and our influencers; matching their forte with your product and company identity. Our Influencers advocate for all aspects of life such as skincare, fashion, sports, health & wellness, travel, art, music, body positivity, parenting, and civil rights. This pairing effectively increases your brand's outreach, through authentic, positive promotion on all social media platforms. Additional services that we provide are: free casting, public appearances, speaking engagements and campaigns.

Our Partners

23 Grant Ave, 4th Floor | San Francisco, CA 94108 | SF: 415 500 4150 | LA: 323 962 1800 | NYC: 646 461 2437